FRCR Academy is a revision resource for doctors sitting the Fellowship of the Royal College of Radiologists (FRCR) exams. We are based in the UK, and all the content is provided by Radiologists who have passed the exam. The site has recently been completely updated. We have loads of new content and new functionality. We hope you find it useful, and welcome any feedback you have.
Loads of content
We have loads of revision material for the FRCR exams. We aim to cover all the components of the FRCR exams, and become the most comprehensive revision resource available. Because we are online we can be much more up-to-date than any written text.
Peer reviewed
All our content is collected and peer-reviewed by doctors who have passed these exams. We are constantly sourcing new material and we use your feedback to improve on what we have. If you find a mistake, please let us know by clicking the link at the bottom of every page.
Great value
We offer you lots of free content, as well as allowing you the option to subscribe to the rest of it. We have worked hard to make the site look good, as well as function in a way that makes it easy for you to use. We want the experience to be as close to the real exam as possible.
Annoying cartoons!
Introducing Radiology Ray! A cheesy and completely unnecessary cartoon Radiologist to show you around the site. A shameful attempt to make you feel more excited about revising for the exams. Feel free to tell him to 'piss-off' by clicking on him...

Dr. James Ricketts
Co-Founder & Website developer
James is a Consultant Radiologist from the South-West of England.